Saturday, September 7, 2013

DIY-Re-purposing old keys

What do you do when you have too many keys and not enough doors?!
You turn them into pretty charms!

I don't know about you guys, but you can't ever have enough key charms. I love to make them into necklaces, bracelets, and even scrap booking charms; they just add a new element. :) 
This morning while going through my craft hoard (yes, I do hoard my supplies), I found a box of pretty embellishments that had not yet been sorted, and several keys. I decided to turn them into charms, and was so pleased with the result I decided I would share. :)
So, lets get right into it!

  • keys
  • nail polish or acrylic paint
  • lost of embellishments
  • super glue or metal glue

1. Paint your key    
I first used the black nail polish... 
 Then lightly painted the edges with a gold nail polish to give it an antique sorta look.


You can go as crazy or as light as you want with embellishments. (FYI: the smaller the embellishment the greater the chances are it will fall off with wear)

3. Let the glue dry completely before wearing!

 Aren't these just cute? 
Please don't tell me I would be the only one who would wear one of these out...LOL

If you give this a try, send me a pic! I would love to see your creations :)
Don't forget you can send them to me thru instagram (sunshinesimaginarium) or by email (precious.desert.

Until next time!
Peace & Love <3

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