Thursday, November 14, 2013

Strawberies & Lemonade Popsicles

Some of you may think I am crazy for posting this in the middle on November, but here in Salinas, the weather is still hot enough to enjoy some popsicles. This past week the temperatures were in the high 60's. I know for some of you that might be a bit cold, but let me tell you something: SALINAS WEATHER IS CRAZY! Seriously. This morning around 9am, the skies were gray and there was fog, and some sprinkling. Fast forward to 11ish and the skies has cleared up and the sun was shinning bright! I was getting hot rather quickly. Then at around 2pm we were back to cold weather. Salinas weather is like this everyday! Haha.

So anyways, it hasn't been too cold for me to enjoy one of these. Well, more of my nieces and nephew. They absolutely love these, and I don't feel guilty giving it to them since its make with real lemons and strawberries. AND, these isn't much sugar in these.

 -4 lemons
-sugar, to taste
-2 cups water
-red food coloring

--Place your popsicle molds in the freezer! --
 1. In a measuring cup, juice your lemons. Add 2 cups water and sugar to taste. Mix well and add a drop or two of red food coloring.
2. Wash and thinly slice your strawberry.

3. Take your mold out of the freezer and place the strawberries on the wall of the molds. The strawberries will stick right on because the mold is already cold.

4. Place your mold back in the freezer for about 3 minutes.

5. Take the mold out, and fill with your lemonade. 

5. Place back in freezer until your popsicles are solid!
The time will vary, but I was able to take mines out after 45 minutes with no breaking,

Sorry that I do not have an after picture. My nieces ate them before I could snap one. :( Once I make this again, which will be soon, I will update with the after picture. :)

-Until next time <3

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