Saturday, July 13, 2013

DIY- Washi tape light switch cover

  •  Washi tape
  • X-acto knife
  • sandpaper (Optional)
  • mod podge and brush
  • embellishments (optional)

 1. Add strips of washi tape on the whole surface of your light switch cover. Start on the edges, leaving half of your tape hang off the edge. This will ensure it is easier to cover any round corners you have.

 2. Once you have the front covered, turn it on its back and either pull back the excess tape or sand it off.

3. Next, with your knife, cut out the middle. It is easier to cut if you only have one piece of washi tape covering the hole.

4. Lastly, you want to apply mod podge to the front. This will seal the washi tape. You want to add at least two coats.

5. Once it is all dry, just push your screws threw the tape CAREFULLY. I didn't have a problem with ripping, but if you do, place en embellishment over, or a bit more tape. 

 Once I had it back in its place, I added a bow and a rhinestone to the screws with tacky glue.

Hope you enjoy this tutorial and if you try it out I would love to see a picture!
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1 comment:

h said...

I've seen other posts doing this where instead of cutting out the middle, they get a cleaner finish by using scissors to cut a diagonal slice toward each of the corners. This lets you fold the excess underneath.