Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Braided button bracelet

 Aren't these cute?
These are perfect for stacking and the button makes them stand out. I love these bracelets because not only are they super easy to make, but you can make a lot of them in a couple minutes!
I remember when I was in high school, I liked to make the knotted friendship bracelets, but my fingers would end up hurting so much after the first one. Lets just say I never could make more then two a day, haha. Now with these, I can make at least 20 in half an hour!
 3 different colors of craft thread (40 inches each)
A decorative button
Clear glue
Pretty easy, fold your threads in half and make a knot in the middle leaving space for your button to fit. (Picture below)
Now, braid it! Braid about 7inches. Make a knot, add your button, make another know to secure it, and add glue to that knot. Cut off the excess thread.

Viola! You are done!
See, I told you it was pretty easy! The glue on the knot, is to keep it from coming undone (it's happened :( ), but it is not necessary.
I hope you guys enjoyed this post and try it out!
BTW,  if anyone is interested I will have a couple kits to make these in my miiduu store in the next two week or so!
Also, don't forget to enter my giveaway! Detail on the post below!

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