Thursday, April 10, 2014

Easter Lamb Cupcakes

 Aren't these just the cutest?!
Hi dolls! Today I bring you this really cute cupcake DIY for Easter. I first saw these in a Martha Steward cupcake book and fell in love with there cuteness! These are really easy to make and do not require much. Anyone can make these in a matter of minutes.

-Pink medium sized marshmallows
-Small white marshmellows
-Red heart sprinkle
-Chocolate Chips
- Vanilla frosting, or marshmallow fluff
-White cupcakes

-Cut mini marshmallows in half
-Cut the pink marshmallows in half going across the marshmallow from one "corner" to the other "corner"
-Frost your cupcake with desired frosting and place about 8 mini marshmellows on the edge, and 4 a top of that.
-Place your ears, and then fill the top with two rows of mini marchellow
-Add an inverted heart as the nose, and two chocolate chips for the eyes


I will be adding a video for this DIY in a few hours.

I hope you guys give this a try, and if you do show me on Instagram! 

I will be (hopefully) creating a few more Easter treats before the actual day!
If there is anyting youd like to see, please let me know!

-Until next time <3

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